The student must attend school regularly. Missing class for a good reason, the student is required to catch up with missed lessons and come to school with their prepared homework. If a student misses more than 7 Saturdays a year, parents should personally explain the reasons for this to the school administrator. If the reason isn't serious enough, the student has to pass an annual examination in all subjects at the end of the year. If the student does not pass these exams, he/she will remain in the same class for the second year
We request parents to bring children on time for prayer before classes. Attendance is taken before prayers at 9:15 am. For those students who miss attendance will be given a half-day absence.
Dress code. Students should come to school following the dress code: boys come in dark blue pants and a white shirt, girls come in a dark-blue skirt and white blouse.
The student is obliged to write down all their homework at home in his/her diary or folder, and parents need to make sure that he/she completed all their lessons.
Students must demonstrate an interest in the school and its activities. Those students who do not fulfill their obligations, or do not show progress, may be barred from the school by the decision of the director and the teacher of the student.
At the end of the academic year, the student must pass an examination in all subjects. Without these examinations, the student can not be promoted to the next grade. If a student got a failing grade in one subject, he must pass a re-take exam before the beginning of the next academic year.
Parents must pick up their children on time at the end of the school day. If parents are late, the school administration can not be responsible for children left without supervision.
All students must remain at school until the end of the last class. If the student needs to leave early for a valid reason, he/she must bring a note from the parent, or parents themselves must personally tell the administration or the teacher.
Students are required to speak exclusively in Russian at the school.
Every teacher has a right to maintain order and discipline on the school grounds, even in the presence of parents.
If a student damages school property, parents undertake to indemnify the school. The cost for a damaged textbook in Russian language, reading, history and geography is $20.00. The fine for a damaged "Law of God" book is $30.00.
Violations of the stated rules or discipline by the student will be reported to parents. After repeated warnings, the student may be expelled from school.
If a student misbehaves in the classroom and continues to speak English at the school, he/she will be punished accordingly.
Parents and teachers: Please do not park your cars in front of the school building. Please park in the parking lot next to the second entrance of the Tolstoy Foundation.